
Things that make you go Hmmmm…

Sexy Viral Videos: Why Men Don’t Stand a Chance!

There is no way to deny that viral videos featuring a sexy women are one of the most common types of videos on the web. Collections of animated GIFs are dominated by the breast jiggling and butt wiggling girls, and viral videos are packed full of bikini-clad women ironing, exercising, dancing – and in general –  shaking, strutting, and doing their own thing.

OK we all know that sex sells, and lots of folks will do whatever they can to create a viral effect with their videos, so there is literally an endless supply of this stuff floating around on the web.

I can appreciate a sexy video now and then, but I generally prefer the videos that use other creative techniques as well.

You may ask: “Ummm, what can we do if we don’t use sex as the major focus in a viral video?”

Well it turns out that there is a actually large supply of creative videos that don’t use sexy themes, but today I actually want to focus on the bouncing girls genre so that I can point out a few things.

Maybe I will show you the first video that I have chosen for today to make my first point.

This young woman is absolutely dangerous!

That is my first point. Men don’t stand a chance. Every man (except maybe one poor soul) in this entire Italian village knows about this woman, but they are all powerless against her magic. Men can literally see hundreds of websites each day, including lots of clips, but nothing will stop them in their tracks like some cute young woman shaking her cute behind as she does her best to play a new Wii exercise game. I had seen this video posted in lots of places, and was able to resist as long as I didn’t see the girl’s picture.

As soon as I clicked on the stills photo – for a better look of course! – I was presented with a link for the short video that some guy made of his cute girlfriend working out.

I didn’t see any harm in sharing a small personal moment that some guy had ALREADY shared with 3.5 Million+ viewers. I didn’t really NEED to see that clip, by I was DRAWN into it by forces beyond my control. And I clicked play. That was the FIRST time. They really hooked me with this clip. The Wii fit Hoola Hooping Girl – Innocent, cute, and a little TOO irresistible… If you haven’t seen it yet, don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Now let’s try a little experiment. Notice how long you watched the Hula Hoop girl, and now watch this next video of the new exercise faze sweeping the web – The Wii Fit Dancing Boyfriend. Now take a look at this new video, and time how long it takes you to get to the pause button. Ready?

My point? It isn’t fair! All normal rules go out the window when a man is faced with a video of a cute woman in her underwear. It isn’t that men like these videos. No siree… They are just powerless to hit the pause button once the inevitable play button gets pushed. I know that I may not be telling you men something that you don’t know, but I will say it once again. Men are totally powerless against these women! Don’t believe me? Take a look at this. I am sure that everyone warned this man about that woman. Did he listen? He didn’t even stand a chance. Take a look.

All I can say is this:

“Guys, it is a tough world out there, but if you really want to accomplish something with your life, stay far, far away from these videos. Don’t open them, don’t get curious, don’t even click on the links that even your close friends may send you. If you do, you may be sorry.

These types of viral videos are seriously contagious, and you may find yourself hooked if you don’t watch out. You will run into loads of problems once you hit that first PLAY button. You will need to be on the constant look-out for the wandering eyes of your bosses, prying questions from family members, and more problematic conditions – as you find yourself blindly clicking away through the day and night. Just stay away from them. No clicking PLAY! Understand me?

Football: The Bootyful Game

June 18, 2008 - Posted by | viral video | , , , , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. HAHAHA I loved this post. I have to say I DID pause the hula-hoop girl, it got on my nerves, I laughed at the guy doing it. I must be a different type of male, I don’t think we have to have sex to sell. I tend to get embarrassed with stuff like that. Not to say I am not a sexual person, I am very much, but I just don’t think it needs to be shoved down our throats. 😉 I did get a really nice laugh out of this post, thank you, I needed it today!

    Comment by V | November 25, 2008

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